Within Stone Marine Engineering there is a technical staff dedicated to topography and hydrography with the aim of supporting from the design phase to the executive, as well as accounting, all phases related to the operation of the enterprise as well as offering the own services to public or private bodies, construction companies or all the figures that require professional advice. The cases faced during a ten-year experience in the field of public works, and more specifically in hydrographic technical services, enable technical personnel to deal fully and professionally with all the issues related to the sector. By operating with our own staff, our own tools and instruments, we are able to satisfy the demands that are being posed to us, thanks to a constant upgrading of both the instrumental technical park and the personnel employed. Over the years, thanks to the most diverse fields of application both environmental and technological, it has matured a considerable experience in the field of hydrological surveys applying them both to the different environmental situations and to the different figures to which they were destined. We have served in the marine and lagoon environment, both on their own (as seafarers), as well as for public or private bodies that have been able to take advantage of our versatility. The vast instrument park provided by our technical staff allows you to accurately and comfortably fulfill all the topographic and hydrographic cases. The high qualitative standard and the high automation of batimetric padding instruments succeed in minimizing the use of specialized personnel to solve complicated technical and logistical problems. With our multibeam system integrated with a sophisticated gps positioning system or a total ground station, we are able to embark on a prominent phase (rotating the sonar electronically and if not physically enough) to cover hidden areas such as moored ships or protruding docks without having to wait for more favorable moments. If this is not enough, our staff will be available to contact you with the appropriate agencies (eg Harbor Port, Harbor Master) to schedule the most convenient moments to be able to operate. With our means we also carry out important campaigns on the bottom, and having a deep knowledge of the lagoon we offer very high standards of safety. We are able to fulfill the requirements of the IHO's certification of our interventions so that we can fully, competently and reliably perform the task entrusted to us by reference also by reference to other Port Authority for which we have operated (see attached document)

Multibeam system

The multibeam technology M.B.E.S. (Multi Beam Eco Sounding) is very sophisticated and capable of delivering the highest quantitative and qualitative standard of information produced. With this instrumentation, one single-beam acquisition takes place along the navigation course (traditional echo sounder) to a continuous acquisition that uses a large number of beam at the same time, covering a side-by-side backdrop of two to four times depth investigated. The resolution is very high and allows to identify bottom structures even of small size and to follow its continuity. Again, navigation is assisted by a precision GPS in RTK mode. In addition, to ensure the potential accuracy of the instrument, motion sensors for rolling and pitch compensation as well as a high precision gyroscope for direction correction are required. Calibration options also allow for correction of the acquired data. This type of acquisition, besides allowing considerable time savings on large areas, allows you to know more precisely the true morphology of the backdrop with the respective batimetric dimensions, being obtained, the latter, for direct measurement and not interpolation (as happens for data produced by Single Beam). Usually the surveys provide a total coverage of the survey area that is performed by tapping along parallel transits that provide overlapping data of the different sweeps. For special applications, the MultiBeam transducer can be mounted sideways in a tilt mode so that, in addition to the underlay relief, it can be used, for example, of the docks and the slope of the defense works from the foot of the same to almost the surface of the water. The Multibeam pad, which obviously involves higher costs, is used where you want to obtain a substantial detail of the backdrop or where full coverage is needed to calculate more accurately the volumetric variations of the sediment deposit.

Summary of multibeam instrumentation
● Trimble 5700 dual frequency L1 / L2 receiver for real-time (RTK) and post processing ● Trimble R5 dual frequency L1 / L2 receiver for real-time (RTK) and post processing ● Trimble R6 dual frequency L1 receiver / L2 for Real-Time Surveillance (RTK) and Post Processing ● Multibeam R2 Sonic 2024 ● Motion Sensor Tss Mahrs ● Odom Digibar Pro Profiling ● MiniSVP Miniature Profiling Spacer ● Hypot-Hysweep 2011 Batmetric Software ● Laptop ● Boat equipped with mounting equipment

Single beam system

The typical configuration used consists of a base station GPS, grounded on a known coordinate point and a rover GPS station installed on a boat, connected via radio, and used in differential kinematic mode (RTK). The continuous acquisition of the depth of the swing is done using a digital depth sounder also interfaced to the system. Depth and depth measurements, obtained with regular time scans and properly correlated to each other, allow the determination of the plane planimetric coordinates along the routes kept by the vessel during navigation. Acquisition and correlation of the data is done using a hydrographic software that controls the data acquired in real time. Navigation can be freely or restricted to predefined paths and the acquisition of points automatically subjected to selected filters: time, distance, operator control and sections, within a band around the section same. These modes leave the operator the concentration necessary to pilot the boat on the chosen paths, while the program will operate automatically. After the survey is performed, data processing is performed using dedicated software that allows the elaboration of mathematical models at level curves and the extrapolation of free or bound sections to a reference axis with possible volume calculation .

Summary of multibeam instrumentation
● Trimble R5 dual frequency L1 / L2 receiver for real-time RTK and post processing ● Trimble R6 dual frequency L1 / L2 rover receiver for RTK and post processing ● Odom Echtrac CV100 echo sounder ● Laptop ● "Hypack" bathmeter software ● Calibration plate ● Boat equipped with mounting equipment


Below is a case in which we have been chosen among several operators in the sector to operate in the service of entities (eg Port Authority) or private (eg seafarers)


Interventions to the lagoon mouths for the regulation of tidal flows. Contract for surveys with multibeam technology

Impresa di Costruzioni Ing. E. Mantovani

PESARO (Italia)


In the specific case of a contract for the execution of bathymetric surveys to be carried out inside and in the adjacent areas of the port of Chioggia for the execution of the Mose project. These surveys are carried out with total coverage using multibeam instrumentation. The purpose of these operations is to give constant support to executive design, assistance in execution phases, constantly monitoring the progress of the work, and lastly to have a reliable and qualified support to be able to draw up the final accounts. Operatively, our staff works closely with the customer, with the direction of work, and with the staff on site to help, through the interfacing of the various skills, to the good end result. Our versatile organization allows you to satisfy the customer especially with regard to the very short notice times for the execution of the interventions, often less than 24 hours.

STONE soc. coop. Marine Engineering
Sede Centrale e Stabilimento:
30015 - CHIOGGIA (VE) Italy
© 2017 - Stone Engineering

TEL.: +39 041 5648226
C.F. e P.IVA 00183200278